This was the Mindfulness Week 2022
From 27 June to 1 July, the Group-wide community "Mindfulness & Resilience" invited employees to the Mindful.Being Experience Week. The initiative of employees from Volkswagen, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Volkswagen Real Estate, Volkswagen Group Services, Audi, Cariad and Volkswagen Group IT Solutions was a complete success: 7,731 participants, over 5,000 minutes in over 100 sessions!
Around the motto "Strengthening mindfulness, resilience, spirit and soul and thus promoting cooperation and team spirit", various MS team sessions were held every day for all colleagues in the Group. From short workshops and impulse lectures to meditations and yoga exercises, there was something for everyone. A great opportunity for everyone to get a taste of the topics or to deepen individual topics.
The opening event on Monday started with a two-minute arrival in silence, where everyone was asked to get comfortable, close their eyes and breathe in and out consciously. After a short video introduction of the "Mindfulness & Resilience" community, Beate Hofer (CIO Volkswagen), Claudius Colsman (Culture & Change Factory Volkswagen), Mareike Brockmann (Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles), Maren Willamowius (Volkswagen Real Estate) and Dirk Schäfer (Volkswagen Group IT Solutions) spoke about mindfulness in a sounding board.
"For me, pragmatic means being in the here and now – being aware of oneself and one's surroundings.
Those who lead themselves well can also lead others.
Especially in our times of hybrid work and change in working life, it is particularly important for leaders to be attentive – as far as their own person is concerned, but especially as far as their employees are concerned."
After the opening event, the week began with around 100 appointments organised by a 14-member team.
From the VWGIS, Harald Noe, Team Leader Mobile Online Services Development, participated in the organising team and also offered his own sessions on the topics "Nature Resilience/Emotional Stability", "A Mindful Image Journey" and "Create Magic Moments - The Effect of Images/Photos".
"It was just wonderful to experience and be a part of how this week came about and the variety of topics and sessions that were offered!
The great openness of some of the session givers in sharing their personal experiences was impressive!
I will take with me from the week some goosebump moments, numerous positive feedbacks and many wishes for further offers and a repetition of the Mindful.Being Week."