VWGIS Team Leader Christine reports from the PANDA Software & Automotive 2023 Lab
"Women can change the world when they work together. And that starts with a strong network." (Melinda Gates)
In May, our VWGIS colleague Christine had the opportunity to participate in a very exciting and inspiring event - the PANDA Software & Automotive 2023 Lab. In this article you can read about the experiences and ideas she gained from this innovative event format for her work.
Christine was made aware of the event series through a personal recommendation from VWGIS colleagues Laura-Ann and André. This year's Software & Automotive 2023 Lab was hosted by PANDA The Women Leadership Network and took place at CARIAD in Berlin.
What is PANDA and what does the network stand for?
PANDA is a network that brings together women leaders across sectors. It provides a curated platform for the exchange of mutual support as well as professional and personal development.
PANDA members share their knowledge and experience, support each other and find a regular exchange of experiences in the community. Communication among women takes place digitally through the PANDA platform or in person through the many PANDA events.
For our team leader Christine, the day was a successful mix of leadership experiments, inspiration sessions and networking.
Besides a warm welcome of the 70 participants by Andrea Morgan-Schönwetter (VP Talent Acquisition, CARIAD SE), the day was started with an inspiring keynote by Sabine Wüst (Head of Predev Holistic Intelligent Cockpit & Body, CARIAD SE).
This was followed by the Leadership Experiment "A Better World". Eleven different groups worked together to find solutions to one of the biggest problems facing our world. Here, the focus was on exchange, networking and feedbac
"All in all, it was an extremely enriching day that provided a lot of food for thought. I also had the opportunity to motivate and inspire others. In numerous conversations, I realised that we had similar thoughts on various topics such as recruiting, skills shortages, leadership styles, new work and much more. A great opportunity for fresh impulses and networking," Christine sums up.