Sidharth Yadav, Soumi Alphons, Antje Herrmann and Dr. Stephan Fingerling
An exchange with colleagues from Portugal and India
With a view to expanding our international cooperation, the management of the VWGIS already had a visit from Portugal at the beginning of May. Last Wednesday, 8 June, Antje Hermann also had the pleasure of welcoming visitors from India.
Besides the CEO of VWITS, Sidharth Yadav, Soumi Alphons, Chief People Officer, visited our location Alte Dorfstraße 1e.
It was Soumi Alphons' first visit to Germany, where she got to know the VWGIS premises and had an exchange with Antje Herrmann, Head of HR, Legal, Compliance & Communication and the G-GS team.
Antje's team reported on topics such as human resources development, legal & compliance in Germany and marketing and communication issues at VWGIS. Above all, there was the international exchange, which will now take place regularly with the colleagues from India and Portugal.
Antje Herrmann sums up: "The exchange with our Indian and Portuguese colleagues was very exciting and important. It showed that similar issues to ours are on their agenda and that they share our challenges.
In the future, we will increasingly focus on international, joint exchange together with our foreign subsidiaries. After all, we already work together across national borders, so I am pleased to have met Soumi as Chief People Officer and Teresa Relvas as Director Corporate Functions in person and to have shared our issues with them.
Our exchanges have shown me that we can benefit a lot from each other, so I'm even more looking forward to our next meetings with them."