HR Team from VWDS in Lisbon visits Germany
Last week, the HR, Legal, Compliance & Communication department was pleased to welcome an international visitor: The HR Team of Volkswagen Digital Solutions (VWDS) from Portugal spent four days in Wolfsburg in order to exploit joint synergies and strengthen the cooperation between the two companies. The focus was particularly on the topics of recruiting, new work, personnel development and employer branding.
What challenges do we have to face in personnel recruitment?
What HR goals have both companies set for themselves? And how do these pay off in terms of corporate goals?
Where can we find concrete synergies or enter into cooperation?
These were just a few of the questions discussed in joint workshops and exchange rounds.
A factory tour to welcome the guests
But even before 'deep diving' into the topics on the agenda, the first highlight was planned: the visit to the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg. To do this, everyone drove together from Alte Dorfstraße to Gate 17, where they were already awaited by the English-speaking guide of Volkswagen Brand Communication. After the tour, all participants were able to review their impressions over a joint lunch, so that they went back to the office strengthened afterwards. Here the afternoon was used to go through the agenda of the next few days and get to know each other better.
Intensive exchange between the teams
The second day started with a recruiting workshop, in which the internal processes of both companies were examined in more detail. This topic led to a stimulating discussion about the various systems and technical testing. Thus, the lunch break in the canteen was just right, where on 'Currywurst Tuesday' the guests could enjoy the Volkswagen classic for the first time. After the refreshment, it quickly became clear that the complex topics and questions could not be clarified in one day, so a follow-up session in Lisbon was planned.
The third day was dedicated to target planning for 2023. For this purpose, both HR teams came together to bring themselves up to date. In addition, the time in the afternoon was used to exchange detailed information on specific topics in small groups and to share experiences.
Visit to the office in Hanover
But not only the location Wolfsburg was interesting for the Portuguese guests, also the Pelikanplatz in Hanover was presented to the VWDS team. They met there on the last day to learn more about the UX/UI Competence Center, the Rollout and the Research and Insights Team. Their colleagues Philipp, Michel and Justin gave them insights into the respective projects and working methods.
The day was rounded off with an evening tour through Hanover, during which some sights, such as Kröpcke and Opera, were visited. A trip to a supermarket to take the original 'Volkswagen Currywurst' as a souvenir to Portugal was of course not to be missed!