Volkswagen Group IT Solutions is above the average for the IT industry in kununu ratings
Volkswagen Group IT Solutions GmbH has received this year's kununu Top Company seal. Only about five percent of companies on kununu qualify for this award.
Employees and applicants rated the company with an average of 4.1 out of 5 points. The average score in the IT industry is 3.8 points. The evaluation criteria include the areas of career and salary, corporate culture, working environment and diversity.
Antje Herrmann, Head of HR, Legal, Compliance & Communications is pleased about the award: "The assessments and evaluations of kununu users are very important to us. The kununu Top Company seal shows that Volkswagen Group IT Solutions is on the right track with its ideas for future-oriented recruiting."
About the kununu Top Company seal
With more than 4.9 million reviews, kununu is the leading platform for employer ratings in Europe. In total, over one million companies are registered on kununu.
The kununu Top Company seal is created on the basis of ratings on the profile of the respective company. It is the best known of all employer seals in the D-A-CH region. Due to the data-based and independent awarding of the seal, kununu guarantees an authentic assessment. The selection criteria include, among others, the employee evaluation score of the past twelve months as well as a rating scale of at least 3.8 out of 5 points. The topicality and relevance of the award is ensured by the fact that the kununu score changes continuously. For this reason, the kununu Top Company seal is awarded on an annual basis.
The German press release for the blog article can be downloaded as a PDF file under the following link:
Volkswagen Group IT Solutions wird mit kununu Top Company-Siegel 2022 ausgezeichnet
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