Leaders and organisers gather in the Braunschweig courtyard for a group photo.
In focus: The VWGIS leadership mission statement
"You have to travel to learn." True to Mark Twain's quote, all 95 VWGIS managers met in Braunschweig. The HR, Legal, Compliance & Communication department had invited them to the first World Café. The aim was to deepen the VWGIS leadership model and to discuss together, on the basis of a "world tour", how the principles of the model can be lived out in the future.
What exactly is the World Café?
The World Café is a method for entering into dialogue on a specific topic. It is based on the assumption that new perspectives emerge as soon as people from different backgrounds get into conversation with each other. In particular, it is about discussing significant issues through collective knowledge and creating a different perspective through exchanged thoughts and ideas.
Thus, the World Café method is there to create inspiration, motivation and clear impulses for action.
(Source: www.worldcafe.eu/de/)
The VWGIS management mission statement in brief
This is what we stand for, with conviction. We live it, with enthusiasm. We work on it, together.
These are the three important principles of the VWGIS management. They were jointly developed in the past and set the framework for the leadership mission statement (see illustration on the left). The managers are pioneers, supporters and motivators for all employees.
How did the World Café proceed?
According to the six cornerstones of the VWGIS leadership model, different stations were set up at the site. The managers, who were divided into groups, met at these stations to discuss the topics within 30 minutes. The results were recorded on flipchart paper so that they were visible to everyone at all times. There were three rounds in total, which focused on the following questions:
Colleagues from the G-G, G-F, G-GD and G-GH departments helped by moderating the groups. After all the rounds were over, the leaders had time to get to know each other better by networking and sharing their thoughts on the different areas of the leadership model. In the meantime, the moderators took over the processing of the results. These were then presented by previously selected managers in the large conference hall.
"It was important to me that our managers actively work on the leadership model. The different perspectives and impressions generated in the process provide important impulses for their everyday leadership."
"I am very happy about the successful event. The day showed us how important it is to come together as a complete leadership team. In the direct exchange on site, we realised that we have the same perception on many points. Through the World Café it became clear that we as leaders know what our strengths and weaknesses are in the leadership process and can therefore work together on the issues."